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For anyone interested in or involved in the real estate business knows that communication is absolutely key to the success of any company. When you are involved in a rehab project having an open form of communication is what will help you stay on time and budget. Here are some tips that we use here at Coast to Coast Home Solutions to make our team successful.

  1. Weekly Conference Calls: We like to have weekly conference calls to report on goals, tasks, and progress that has been made at our projects each week. This is not only a great tool for keeping everyone accountable but also building relationships with your team. If you communicate with your team and are open about the “goods” and the “bads” on any project your performance will be elevated to the next level. You also will build that respect for one another and ultimately make a stronger team.
  2. Notes On Site: We like to have large note pads on the job site to make clear our goals and objectives with the contractors. This has proven to be successful for our company and is something that we recommend everyone doing.
  3. Shared Schedules: The last tip that we wanted to share with you on communication is shared schedules. As a team we like to layout shared schedules with upcoming work. This schedule will have daily goals at all of the projects and an outlined list of what is happening that week at the company. For example at our Sherman Oaks property we will highlight what subs will be on the job and what days. This gives the whole team an opportunity to know what is going on and how they can help move the project forward!

Let us know in the comments below or on our social media platforms if you have any communication tools or found these one’s helpful!!

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